Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 1-3-2019


This paper reviews a study of the best approach for women economic empowerment and social cohesion approached by introducing the case in Egypt by using Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) and Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) approaches as interventions for economic empowerment for women and social cohesion in Egypt. ROSCAs and VSLA Approaches aims to empowering marginalized women to live be better community and to be able to improve their socioeconomic conditions, improving their social, and economic situation and strengthening gender equality. These two interventions of ROSCAs and VSLA in Egypt were welcomed by the local community and have solved many financial hardships facing many families in Egypt. This study included examining these two approaches in the seven target regions (total 200 women and men) these regions located in one of the most deprived area in Upper Egypt. The ROSCAs helping many women and family to pass the critical financial hardship. While, VSLA equipped and reinforced women with needed skills which allowed them to participate in the process of developing their communities by leading initiatives in their communities and taking active action toward poverty alleviation.
