Optimized Seismic Response Control of Coupled FEM-BEM High-Rise Structural Models Using Magnetorheological Dampers

Ahmed A. Torky, The British University in Egypt
Peter Fakhry MSc., The British University in Egypt

This project was supported financially by the Science and Technology & Innovation Funding Authority (STIFA), Egypt, Grant No. 37145


In this paper, a smart optimized control technique is proposed. Structures are modelled using a coupled finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM), where building floors are modeled using BEM, and vertical elements are modeled using FEM without lumping of masses. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are combined to find the best configuration for MR dampers within a given structure and determine values of the performance function weighting matrices, respectively. Effective evaluation criteria are carried out against benchmark earthquakes. The proposed semi-active controller is compared with an ideal active and passive ON/OFF control systems.