Cognitive mapping as a link between the urban designer and space user

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The Visual Identity of open spaces results from our cognitive image. This can be the result of both physical and non-physical ties to the landscape change. It affects users' perception and provokes their senses. Recent researchers revealed there is a gap between the intended design developed by the urban designer and the users' cognitive map of the space. The research aims to determine the most important factors that the urban designer should keep into consideration to reduce this gap. The research used semi-structured interviews & mapping tool to analyze the landscape change over the past 10 years for open space food courts in three new residential communities in Egypt. The result presents a comparison between the three perspectives for landscape change: 1) theoretical guidelines for designing urban space elements, 2) urban designer's design approach and 3) users' cognitive map for open spaces. This method can be used to convey, share and exchange information for landscape designers, urban planners and decision makers.
