"Social Housing Design: A Guideline for Enhancing Dwellers’ Livelihood " by Gehan Nagy

Social Housing Design: A Guideline for Enhancing Dwellers’ Livelihood in Egypt Through Sociocultural Aspects

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Since the 1950s, the Egyptian government has proposed and constructed several low-income housing prototypes in Cairo. However, to date, many of the constructed prototypes have failed to meet their occupants’ sociocultural needs. As policies, rules, and regulations defined by the government do not consider aspects of quality of life for the occupants. As a result, occupants tend to reappropriate their living spaces through transformations and territorial extensions into the surrounding urban space. This research aims to propose guidelines for the design of low-income housing that adheres to occupants’ sociocultural needs. The method applied includes an in-depth investigation of earlier literature concerned with low-income housing design considerations. In addition, sociocultural activities, and their impact on the quality of life are investigated. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
