Solar radiation assessment of 3D printed self-shading clay façade

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Publication Date

Winter 11-22-2023


Earthen construction is known for its significant environmental benefits. It has been overshadowed by the growing popularity of industrial materials in the construction industry, leading to a detrimental impact on the environment. However, the emergence of 3D printing (3DP) techniques has received much consideration for using earth as a construction material. Despite its potential, the durability of the 3D-printed earthen structure remains a challenge that researchers are actively working to overcome. This research focuses on the feasibility of using 3D-printed clay-based façades in hot arid climates. The aim is to assess the solar radiation performance achieved by non-conventional 3D-printed walls, which are designed to provide maximum self-shading and minimize sun exposure. The methodology tackled several phases; material testing to assess extrudability and printability, exploring different geometries to optimize maximum self-shading, fabricating 3D-printed walls, and finally assessing their solar radiation performance. The findings demonstrate a significant reduction in solar radiation ranging from 52 to 158 kWh/m2 for the self-shaded walls where the inclination of the bump is inversely proportional to the solar radiation. However, due to the behavior of clay during printing a limitation for maximum cantilever angle not exceeding 17 degrees without support need. Nevertheless, this technique has the potential to serve as a passive design strategy for enhancing indoor thermal comfort. Further research is needed to optimize self-shading facades on a large-scale implementation, which can unlock the full potential of these passive strategies and contribute to creating comfortable living spaces.
