Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Noise is defined as any sound that obstructs or interferes with a person's ability to accomplish their job duties, whether it be background noise or noise from a loud workplace. An open-plan office is a workspace that makes use of available space rather than isolating staff members in offices or cubicles. An essential factor that influences both well-being and focus with relation to functional performance is noise, especially in enclosed spaces. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of noise on employees in an open-plan workplace regarding focus, task performance, concentration, and interpersonal communication, by conducting research using previous studies relating to the effect of noise on workers' performance and well-being in an open-plan working environment. Moreover, through conducting an experiment to measure the concentration of employees in Emaar Misr headquarters in open space and private offices, as well as a survey to conclude which of the two spaces is more convenient for employees. The results mainly showed that most of the employees working in an open-plan office dislike the concept as well as experience a high level of stress, lack of concentration, loss of performance, lack of comfort, and experience health issues. Furthermore, by applying concentration experiment it concluded that there is a direct relation between noise and lack of concentration in the workplace.
