The Effect of Landscape Features implemented in Egyptian Parks on satisfying the Human needs and well-being

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Recently, parks have been recognized as one of the main contributors in the strategic objectives of urban projects, since they provide job opportunities, place attractiveness, increase the real estate market and property values, tourist development, increase the since of social belonging between the residents, improving the public health and the quality of the residents’ life. The presented research is aiming to investigate the effect of Landscape features on the quality of life (QOL) inside Egyptian parks. This study has been inspired by early theorists like “Maslow” and other theorists who have followed Maslow’s footsteps. They analysed and measured the concept of quality of life (QOL)into two well-known terms “human needs” and “well-being”. The study explores the impact of landscape features towards “human needs and well-being”. Lately, Egypt is suffering from inflation and economic crisis which affect the Egyptians life style. Most of the Egyptian society is living a stressful life; this study will examine whether the Egyptian parks help Egyptians as an escape way where all the negative vibes are going to meet with nature resulting in a positive outcome. This research used qualitative investigation method to measure the impact of implementing landscape features in Egyptian parks on enhancing the quality of the Egyptian life by measuring the (QOL) with regards to “human needs and well-being”. The presented research investigated the impact of landscape elements implemented in Al-Azhar Park and Family Park on “human needs and well-being”. That shall pave the way to investors, policymakers, architecture and civil practitioners to realize the potentials of designing and constructing parks in Egyptian urban environment, as an efficient tool to improve the quality of Egyptian life. © 2022, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. All rights reserved.
