"Thermoluminescence characteristics of lithium borosilicate glass doped" by Elsayed Salama, A. Abdelmonem et al.

Thermoluminescence characteristics of lithium borosilicate glass doped with Sm2O3

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Lithium borosilicate glass composite (SiO2–Li2CO3–H3BO3) doped with various concentrations of Sm2O3 (0–0.7 mole %) was prepared using the melt quenching method. The investigated thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of the prepared system revealed that the highest TL response was obtained for this glass composite at 0.05 mol% Sm2O3. In this study, the 0.05 mol% Sm2O3-doped lithium borosilicate glass composite was subjected to detailed dosimetric investigation in terms of its annealing condition, dose–response, and minimum detectable dose. The reproducibility of the response, thermal characteristics, and optical fading were also studied. The obtained results showed that the prepared glass composite had a linear dose–response over the wide gamma dose range 2Gy to 2 kGy, as well as reasonable thermal fading and excellent reproducibility. These attributes render the composite under investigation promising for utilization in radiation detection.
