Examining the Antecedents to Permission Based Marketing and the Effect on Mobile Marketing Acceptance

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The purpose of this study is to test a proposed model of the impact of permission-based marketing on mobile acceptance marketing, through analysing the antecedent factors (trust, risk acceptance, personal attachment, mobile marketing experience and perceived control) on the mobile related marketing activity. The model is tested empirically to examine the mediating effect of market- related mobile activity on permission-based marketing and mobile acceptance marketing. It is crucial to investigate the essential factors that motivate consumers to open the advertisement, read, respond or keep it for future purchase, especially as they get irritated by the number of messages they receive. Data were collected using surveys of customers to test the proposed model empirically using structured questions. The questionnaires were distributed based on a simple sampling method and collected from undergraduate students.

The proposed structural model was estimated by Structural Equation Model which included a test of the overall model fit and individual tests of the significance of the relationships among the variables. The findings indicate the goodness of fit of the proposed model. Moreover, all the research hypotheses were statistically supported, except for the H1.6, H1.9, H1.13 to H1- 15, and H2.2. The research generated significant knowledge about the permission based marketing and mobile marketing acceptance in Egypt.
