Research Agenda 2030: The Great Questions of Immersive Learning Research

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Summer 6-26-2023


The research areas of the Immersive Learning community cover many different interests and perspectives on teaching and learning with immersive technologies. Based on existing efforts to map the field of research, we gathered 35 participants at the iLRN 2022 conference during an open hybrid workshop. These volunteers formed expert groups focusing on five possible perspectives on Immersive Learning. The expert groups gathered and summarized possible research questions with regards to an “Agenda 2030”, meaning the most intriguing questions that should be addressed during the years to come. We let all participants vote on these research endeavors regarding their academic value and importance for the community. As a results, we gathered a total of 23 ranked questions. These questions were subsumed into ten topics forming a Research Agenda for Immersive Learning 2030 (RAIL.2030).
