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Materials and Methods: 20 patients with kennedy class III modification 1 edentulous areas were recruited for this study and divided into two groups; Control group received implants with conventional osteotomy preparation following standard drilling protocol (speed= 1200 rpm) with torque of 30N and sufficient saline irrigation, while Study group received implants with osteotomy preparation following a low speed drilling protocol (speed < 200 rpm) without irrigation and a torque of 50 N. Cone Beam CT was used to evaluate bone height and density around the implants at 3, 6 and 12 months after insertion. Implant primary stability was evaluated using Ostell by Resonance Frequency Analysis. Results The results showed no significant difference between bone height changes and densities in the control and study groups. Implants primary stability also showed no significant difference in ISQ values between both groups. Conclusion Biologic drilling is a promising implant drilling protocol with a potential to insert implants showing successful osseointegration and acceptable bone changes.
