Effect Of Agitation Of Salvadora Persica Extract And Sodium Hypochlorite Final Irrigating Solutions With Er,Cr:YSGG-Laser Using Radial- Firing Tips On Removal Of Smear Layer: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation

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Introduction: to compare the effect of Er,Cr:YSGG-laser-activated and conventional irrigation techniques on

intracanal smear layer elimination at the apical, middle, and coronal segments of root canal walls using

environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM).

Methods: Thirty-six freshly extracted human single-rooted single-canal anterior teeth were selected for this study.

The root canals were conventionally accessed, then prepared by using ProTaper Next® system to size X4, 0.06

taper and divided into two equal groups (n = 18); syringe/needle- and laser-activated groups. Each group was

further subdivided into three subgroups; saline, NaOCl, and salvadora P (6 teeth each). Er,Cr:YSGG-laser was

emitted at pulse energy of 25 mJ, pulse width of 60 μs, pulse frequency of 50 Hz and delivered by a radial firing tip.

Teeth were longitudinally sectioned for ESEM assessment. Data were collected and statistically analyzed by

Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests.

Results: Er,Cr:YSGG-laser-activated generally showed better smear layer removal results than syringe/needle

activated group. The statistical significant differences occurred between NaOCl and salvadora P subgroups at

coronal and middle, and apical thirds, respectively. Salvadora P presented higher statistical smear layer removing-

capacity than the other comparative subgroups at coronal third when Er:Cr:YSSG-laser-activated technique was

used and at coronal and middle thirds when the conventional technique was applied.

Conclusion: Er,Cr:YSGG-laser-activated irrigation technique had a positive effect on removing of smear layer.

Laser-activated Salvadora P was effectively removed smear layer from the entire root dentin while the

conventionally-activated salvadora P was more potent at coronal and middle thirds.

Clinical significance: Er,Cr:YSGG-laser can effectively activate the intracanal irrigants.

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