Radioactive Dating And CBCT Evaluation Of The Effect Of Standard And High Doses Of Oral Bisphosphonates On Bone Density Surrounding Implants. In Vivo Study In Rabbits

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Bisphosphonates (BPPs) is a drug used in treatment of many pathological conditions in different doses, which could have diverse effects on implant success in patients receiving it. In this study the effect of oral bisphosphonates on successful osseointegration were evaluated by comparing the effect of high and standard doses of BPPs on bone density around implants. Methodology: Implants were inserted in the heads of femurs of 25 rabbits were divided into 3 groups. One group received standard dose of BPPs, another group received high dose of BPPs and a control group. Bone density was evaluated around each implant using radioactive dating and CBCT. At the end, all results were compared together and statistically analyzed. Results: BPPs affected bone quality close to and far from the implant differently according to the dose. Higher doses of BPPs were associated with better contact osseointegration, while standard doses were associated with better distant oasseointegration. Conclusion: Standard doses of BPPs therefore have better effect on the quality of bone surrounding implants. So, together with obviously having less side effects, the standard doses of oral BPPs could be considered superior to high doses in achieving our optimum goals of successful osseointegration with minimum undesirable side effects.

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