Development of a Soft Robotic Gripper for Carpet Handling

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 10-30-2022


The use of soft robotic grippers is an alternative to conventional rigid body grippers in industrial applications specifically in the handling of carpets. This paper presents, a novel design of a 3D soft robotic gripper based on a simulation model and experimental prototype that can be used for carpet handling applications. In addition, the fabrication method of the pneumatic soft robotic gripper is introduced. The pneu-net actuator geometrical parameters are optimized such as the thickness of the chamber walls and the internal structure of the chambers resulting in significantly improved pressure handling capabilities. The simple pneu-net and the modified actuator are tested at two different pressure 55 and 110 kPa, to check the range of motion. A single actuator is calculated to lift a maximum of five kilograms, with several actuators included in the gripper the weight carrying capabilities reached ten kilograms. The geometry was optimized to maximize weight carrying capabilities by increasing the amount of pressure the actuator can withstand. A finite element analysis using ABAQUS software is carried out to evaluate the stresses acting upon the soft gripper.
