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Abstract Background: Cyber bullying is the new power equation attached to bullying issue. In the meantime, digital technology has changed the way adolescents communicate and learn. It affects their behavior and attitude. Aim of the study: Was to assess students' level of awareness about psychosocial problems associated with cyber bullying. Research design: A descriptive exploratory design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in two faculties at Benha University (Nursing and Education). Subjects: A sample of 400 students, 200 from each faculty were chosen by a purposive sample. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection. Tool (1): Structured interview questionnaire was used to collect data about students and family characteristics. Tool (2): Cyber bullying questionnaire was used to assess level of awareness of students about cyber bullying. Tool (3): Psychosocial problems questionnaire was used to assess awareness of students about psychosocial problems associated with cyber bullying. Results: Majority of nursing students had unsatisfactory knowledge about cyber bullying, while more than three quarter had unsatisfactory knowledge about cyber bullying for education students. Three quarters of nursing students have severe psychological effect of cyber bullying meanwhile, less than two thirds of education students have severe psychological effect of cyber bullying. Conclusion: There was lack of awareness of students about psychosocial problems associated with cyber bullying. Recommendations: Psycho-educational training program to improve awareness of students about cyber bullying causes, effects and how to prevent should be conducted.
