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Abstract Background: Motivational interviewing empowers the patient's recovery from substance use disorders and compliance with medication and intervention programs adherence. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of motivational interviewing training program on compliance among patients with substance use disorders. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at El-abbssia psychiatric mental health hospital at Cairo City &the psychiatric mental health hospital at Benha city, Qaluobia governorate which are affiliated to secretariat of mental health. Sample: The sample consisted of (60) patients with substance use disorders comprised two matched groups into study group (30) patients and control group(30) patients. Tools of data collection: The data was collected through utilizing the following tools; (1)- structured interview sheet, (2)- readiness to change questionnaire, (3)- Motivational interviewing questionnaire and (4)- medication adherence and treatment questionnaire. Results: There were statistically significant improvement in total medication adherence, motivational interview and readiness to change post program implementation among study groups compared with preprogram. Conclusion: Motivational interviewing training program have a positive effect on compliance among patients with substance use disorders and plays an important role in among substance use patients recovery. Recommendations: Continuous in- service training programs about counseling are needed to provide basic necessary skills and apply the motivational interviewing program in addiction centers to provide a better prognosis for substance use disorder
