"Review of HPLC/UPLC-UV methods for sensitive determination of nicotine" by Bassam M. Ayoub, Mona Arafa et al.

Review of HPLC/UPLC-UV methods for sensitive determination of nicotine in plasma

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A concise review of HPLC/UPLC-UV methods for determination of nicotine in human plasma is presented in this manuscript in the form of tables with full description of the used stationary phases, mobile phases, detection wavelength, flow rate and linearity ranges. Also full description of plasma extraction techniques is described for all the reported LC-UV methods. This review permits the application of the reported methods for further pharmacological and clinical studies while design of new nicotine formulations. The reported methods may also be used in comparative studies using different dosage forms and cigarettes to investigate the pharmacokinetic parameters of new nicotine formulations in vivo.

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