"Applicability of different molecular markers techniques for genetic di" by Asmaa Amer, Hussein Taha et al.

Applicability of different molecular markers techniques for genetic distinguish between two genera cressa linn. And cuscuta Yunck. family convolvulaceae

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© 2018 Asmaa Amer et al. Background and Objective: The DNA fingerprinting is used to determine the relationship between species in the same genus or between genera related to the same family. The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between two samples related to the same family Convolvulaceae, representing two genera, Cressa Linn. and Cuscuta Yunck. by RAPD, ISSR and SCoT molecular techniques (PCR based DNA fingerprint). Materials andMethods: The RAPD, ISSR and SCoT based DNA fingerprinting techniques were implemented to identify the fingerprint diversity between two genera, Cressa Linn. and Cuscuta Yunck-belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. Results: Applying of RAPD technique revealed that using OP-A02, OP-A09, OP-A10, OP-C04 and OP-M01 primers recorded 60, 83.33, 100, 50 and 70.66% polymorphism, respectively. On the other hand, ISSR technique recorded 40, 50, 100, 66.67, 33.33 and 37.5% polymorphism with 44B, HB-08, HB-09, HB-10, HB-11 and HB-12 primers, respectively. However, amplification of SCoT technique, SCoT 1, SCoT 2, SCoT 3, SCoT 4, SCoT 6, SCoT 8, SCoT 10 and SCoT 12 primers recorded 33.33, 28.57, 14.28, 66.66, 25, 40, 42.85 and 50%, respectively. The total polymorphism recorded 73.33, 54.58 and 37.7% for RAPD, ISSR and SCoT techniques, respectively. Conclusion: The result of this study indicated that SCoT technique was more efficient and sustainable for distinguish between two genera under investigation.

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