"Biomedical simulations of nanoparticles drug delivery to blood hemodyn" by Kh. S. Mekheimer, R. E. Abo-Elkhair et al.

Biomedical simulations of nanoparticles drug delivery to blood hemodynamics in diseased organs: Synovitis problem

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Purpose: Synovial fluid is an ultra-viscous plasma filtration that lubricates joint movement. During acute accidents or a cartilage repair surgical intervention, blood is introduced into the joint and mixed with variable amounts of synovial fluid. The hypothesis of this study was that mixing the blood with the synovial fluid, forming a mixture of them, can change the rheological properties of the blood and the mechanical properties of the stenosis formed.

Design/methodology/approach: In this work we have presented a theoretical study to a mixture of synovial and blood nanofluid with heat distribution, concentration and volume fraction effects through concentric tube when the outer tube contain stenosis. Two models of synovial fluid that depend on viscosity are debated, in model I the viscosity depend exponentially on the concentration while model II shear tensor is considered as a function of concentration. The mathematical model has been studied in cylindrical coordinates. The solution of mathematical model was also obtained numerically using finite difference method after using a domain transformation to transform the variable cross-section of the concentric tube to a uniform cross section. We approaches to the synovial fluid improves the velocity of blood in the areas of atherosclerosis due to the nature of synovial fluid, which has less friction forces. Also, the velocity of mixture blood and synovial for model I is higher than that for model II.

Realistic implications: This problem with synovial lining is called synovitis.

Originality/value: To the authors’ information, no such research has been performed in the literature
