"Flipped Teaching And Learning In English Language Programmes In Higher" by Rania M Rafik Khalil

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Flipped teaching over the past fifteen years has invaded the classrooms of schools and has helped evolve the teaching strategy of different disciplines. Although the concept emerged as inverted teaching to allow space for active learning in the classroom, flipped teaching today, has found its way to higher education settings. Higher education institutions such as Harvard University, have used this approach in physics and other disciplines. Literature reviews however, show that there is little research in the field of English as a Foreign Language which can be found related to using the flipped approach. This paper aims to share the classroom experience of using the flipped teaching approach in delivering English language modules in a higher education setting in the Middle East. The paper will focus on English language teaching using the flipped method, how flipped teaching has impacted L2 students’ English language learning, which supportive tools for flipped teaching are effective, criteria for teaching tools found to be useful, student support strategies and assessment within the flipped teaching approach of English language learning. The paper will conclude with practical classroom tips for English as a Second Language / English as a Foreign Language / English for Academic Purposes practitioners and recommendations for future research.
