"Search-Based Regression Testing Optimization" by Abeer Hamdy Dr., Nagwa R. Fisal et al.

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Regression testing is one of the essential activities during the maintenance phase of software projects. It is executed to ensure the validity of an altered software. However, as the software evolves, regression testing becomes prohibitively expensive. In order to reduce the cost of regression testing, it is mandatory to reduce the size of the test suite by selecting the most representative test cases that do not compromise the effectiveness of the regression testing in terms of fault-detection capability. This problem is known as test suite reduction (TSR) problem, and it is known to be an NP-complete. The paper proposes a multi-objective adapted binary bat algorithm (ABBA) to solve the TSR problem. The original binary bat (OBBA) algorithm was adapted to enhance its exploration capabilities during the search for a Pareto-optimal surface. The effectiveness of the ABBA was evaluated using six Java programs with different sizes. Experimental results showed that for the same fault discovery rate, the ABBA is capable of reducing the test suite size more than the OBBA and the BPSO.
